Alle seinen op groen voor METAVAK

With more than 200 exhibitors, including nearly all major suppliers of metalworking machinery, METAVAK Gorinchem promises to be a top fair this year. “METAVAK is booming,” says exhibition organizer DaniĆ«lle Wild delighted.

The trade fair for the machining and non-machining industry, which is being held for the thirteenth time in Evenementenhal Gorinchem, stands like a house. With a clear exhibition program, completely focused on the metalworking sector, a large professional audience is addressed. Last year there was a positive vote at METAVAK and this, in combination with the good economic conditions and the willingness to invest in the metal, now results in many dozens of extra exhibitors. “The growth is also due to the tightened stock market concept,” says DaniĆ«lle Wild. ā€œFurthermore, as an exhibition organization, the emphasis is on continuing to increase visitor quality. As a result, exhibitors more often come into contact with high-quality visitors, often with decision-making authority. ā€

All aspects of metalworking are treated generously on the exhibition floor. Both the machining sector and the sheet metal workers are excellently served with machines, tools and related products. It is also noticeable that the interest in automation and software is currently unknown. For example, various suppliers of loading systems for CNC turning and milling centers are present, such as RoboJob, BMO Automation, Cellro, Halter CNC Automation, Olmia Robotics and RFA. The suppliers of CADCAM systems for various metalworking techniques and ERP systems are also well represented.
The 3D printing of metal can also be seen. At the AMR Europe stand, the METAVAK visitor can get to know the metal printer Orlas Creator.

Humacs Krabbendam uses the exhibition to present an expansion of its machine range. In addition to SMEC (Samsung Machine Tool Engineering Company), Kitamura and Nomura DS, the Overijssel machine supplier now also markets the FANUC Robodrill CNC machining centers in the Netherlands. The Robodrill with a DDR table and a demo product will be displayed on the stand.
Q-Fin Quality Finishing, manufacturer of machines for deburring, grinding and rounding flat plate results, presents the new, modern and striking design of its machines. METAVAK has the national scoop of this.
It is remarkable that around 10 percent of participants come from abroad. Most of them come from Belgium, but there are also exhibitors from Germany, Italy, Switzerland and even China!

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